1st European LSK Conference in Belgium
In June 2006 the 1st European conference of LSK took place in Liege, Belgium, in which STEELHOUSE took an active part , presenting its works from Greece and talking about the peculiarities of the design and analysis of light steel structures in a seismically strong area like our country.

STEELHOUSE had the honor to be present and in fact to actively participate in the 1st conference of LSK which was essentially the first public presentation of the European Light Steel Construction Organization (LSK) in Europe.
The conference was hosted at the Arcelor's research center on the campus of Liege. Important executives of Arcelor, the scientific world, engineers, architects and large companies active in the field of construction attended.
The conference program was very interesting and was extended both to theoretical (Eurocode analysis, simple method of solving with tables, etc.) and to practical level (presentation of projects, construction methods, visit to real construction, etc.) around light steel structures.
In the framework of this program, STEELHOUSE was given the opportunity to present its work in Greece and to show complete constructions with SCS as the only and first Greek company in this field. At the same time, the civil engineer & amp; Director of the Study and Analysis department of STEELHOUSE, Mr. Chrysanthakopoulos Kon / nos referred extensively to the phenomenon of seismic stress of steel structures made of light steel and the way of analysis and design of such structures in seminically active areas.
STEELHOUSE congratulated for its presentation and impressed with the application of SCS in modern high quality homes.